
Born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area, Sky Ravine grew up in a diverse city with various cultures and sounds. Introduced to a wide range of music at a young age — from hearing soulful records, pop, and rock from the 70s to 90s, along with listening to hip-hop, R&B, and dancehall from the 90s and 2000s — he found an appreciation for different styles of music. It wasn’t long before he would hang with friends and began to freestyle for fun, recognizing a knack for creating rhymes rooted in inspirational and thought-provoking ideas. Throughout the years, he continued to make voice recordings to get a better sense of the innate thoughts in his mind and perspective of the reality he built within. Eventually, he bought his first condenser mic, MIDI keyboard, and started to plug away. It wasn’t until his latter years that he found a connection with the technical styles of electronic music. He developed a love for the atmospheric, ambient, and progressively chill sounds that can bring about a feeling of calmness, as well as the upbeat grooves and pop vocals that can bring energy and evoke feelings to get moving. Through his success, failures, soul-searching and triumph, Sky Ravine looks to share his work with the world as a self-producing solo artist, resonating great vibrations, and building collaborations together on this journey forever.